All right, so, i guess I'm averaging about a post a month, huh? Well, better than nothing I guess. I have been taking my time with this Avengers blank cover I am working on for my local comics creators group,
Visions. Mostly because of the pressure created by some of the really great covers the other artists have been pumping out, and also because this is the sorta thing you only get one try to do right. I am not the type of artist that can just sit down to a project and whip out a well composed drawing. Even with all the thumnailing, sketching, planning and composing, I still sometimes find I'm not overly happy with cover-style pieces I've tried to do. On top of that, there's always going to be that element of the unexpected once you actually put pencil to paper, no matter how long you've delayed the actual act with meticulous preparation.
At any rate, I wanted to post a scan of a "mostly done" front cover for the Avengers blank, just to show everyone how I've been keeping my pencil busy recently. I'd rather make a post about the process it took to getting here, but once the thing is said and done, I'm sure I'll have time to do that. I've also decided that I'm going to do a drawing for the back cover as well, which will feature Captain America and Thor. But for the moment, here is the front, featuring Tony Stark/Ironman and Bruce Banner/the Hulk. Enjoy.
The poses are based on some artwork by Alphonse Mucha, the reference material I will be including in a more in-depth write up in the future. |
Also, I recently did the drawing you see in the Header at the top of this blog, which I will just repost here for shits and giggles:
Forteana, Goddess of the Anomalous |
'Forteana' isn't really so much a character as she is a mascot for the sci-fi/horror universe I have been planning for a few years. She is called Forteana after the author Charles Fort, who is kind of considered the pioneer of creepy. He compiled data that he felt the scientific community of his day was purposefully ignoring because it did not fit their paradigm. Weird rains of blood (?), fish, and other organic and strange materials falling from the sky...that sort of thing.
At any rate, the Forteana Universe is the universe in which stories related to the Mothman and Indrid Cold characters you've seen around here are intended to take place. Forteana's image signifies the Forteana 'line' of comics I hope to one day produce.
Thanks for looking, friends.
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