The above is a link to the first part of an experiment I'm trying.
The experiment is aimed at answering this question: can I "do" comics?
I've always had a measure of drawing talent, and truthfully I haven't worked very hard to cultivate it. In my teenage years it was sort of my identity, but I let my ability languish unattended as I grew into adulthood. I look back now and I consider the majority of that time wasted. People less talented and more driven than I am have gone on to spiffy careers in the arts. So have many of the people more talented than I am, and what really chaps my ass about that is that I have the raw talent to be just as good, and I didn't decide to take it to that level.
At any rate, I'm drawing again, and I have to pick up where I've left off, and lots of things have changed. I'm still good. I'm not great. Definitely not employable, yet. Technology has added a whole new dimension to art that I am hardly familiar with; superheroes and '80s pop-culture touchstones -- the stuff I was weaned on -- are exploding (and being exploited); and the medium of comic books are no laughing matter anymore. I've been moved to pick up my pencil, but I look around and I know that what the world of pop, pulp, and comics has become is rapidly growing out of my reach.
It seems like whatever hope my 8 year old self had for his grown-up counterpart to break into comics is becoming even more of a pipe dream.
But, I figure I owe it to the 8 year old me to give it a shot. I'm 32 now and the kid's as persistent as ever.
So, I'm doing this.
Part portfolio, part documentation, part blog. A comicbook junkyard where I dump sketches, scripts, and ideas; where I whine and pay homage; where I may even post a piece of finished art every once in awhile.
We'll see what happens.
(the following are some low res cameraphone pics of some drawings I've been recently working on, completely unrelated to the above script, and in no particular order.)
a redesign concept I was messing with for the Ultra-Humanite
an unabashed Joker rip-off
a dragon, with sharpies
The Black Fly, a Spider-Man/Batman rip off
Zombie feeding frenzy. this is all pencil.
Nick Cave. An attempt to steal his likeness for a character called "Indrid Cold"
A Fantastic Four redesign attempt
Mothman, again.
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