What's 'House of Asterion' anyway?
It's a short story by Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges. If you are interested in metaphysics, dreams, time travel, philosophy, labyrinths, religion, mythology, books, secret societies and all around general pulp-y and mysterious things, then you should read Borges. Guys like Umberto Eco and Mark Danielewski owe him unpayable debts.
'House of Asterion' was the first Borges story I'd ever read. I won't spoil it for you, and it's only two pages long, so don't spoil it for yourself by wikipedia-ing it before you read it. The end isn't really a twist, but there's an audible click of recognition once your brain gets there and puts the narrative into place.
I decided to adapt it as a script to give myself some work to do as an artist. I've been having trouble with the art on my 'Forteana' comics concept (a historical fiction/horror/sci-fi line) because I want all of it to look like Mike Mignola's work, and that just isn't how I draw. There are plenty of lessons about inking that I can take away from him, but ultimately I'm beginning to recognize that while emulation informs your own style, it cannot serve as a substitute. So, I'm easing up on the Forteana project for a moment in an attempt to separate myself from the pressure of what those characters and drawings "should" look like, and to give myself something to work on where I have no constraints. To find MY style.
Hence, 'House of Asterion.'
It's short. A little abstract. Not quite "horror," but there's definitely something unsettling about it. It lends itself to some interesting visuals.
It's something I should be able to finish in a reasonable amount of time. I can play with it.
And, in the meantime, hopefully give you all something to look at while I work through the process.
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